Delstrigo, a new and inspiring treatment in the fight against HIV, came into my studio from the Havas video studio, Studio 6, where all of the video had been cut down for the upcoming spot placement, and with the relationship between the client, agency and what we were accomplishing together being kismet, Merck asked if we were able to create a version of what Bayer had dazzled the industry with at a pharma conference the year before–a scrolling ISI both in video assets AND HTML5. Tapped by my friend EMILY WILSON within Studio 6 as she and I had triumphs together, my studio took over building the social media assets that mirror the stop-motion generation 1 portion of the Delstrigo campaign that was in market. It was with great joy that I not only set up the size, speed and transition of the animations for video social assets, but resourced the FDA-approved speed from the Bayer scrolling ISI and mirrored that flawlessly to show at the right speed and percentage of the screen. <br>Three assets were created combining the stop-motion footage provided, logos and ISI copy. Animation, colors, speed and ISI met FDA criteria for type size, legibility and background color to accommodate for the potentially visually-impaired.